November Service Hours: 13  Cumulative Fall Semester Hours: 28 


November has turned out to be a very good month. The balance between healthy living habits and healthy study habits has been difficult, but I feel like I am finally finding my groove. I'm excited to realize that I really enjoy learning the majority of the material we cover. It feels like I'm preparing for medical school, and I can see that I'm on the right path. Our class has continued to get closer and it feels like a second family. The teachers continue to be great and to always be there for us. However, I think we were all ready for a break just in time for Thanksgiving. Over the break I had the chance to recharge, hang out with friends and family, and think about what I'm thankful for. I volunteered at the Orlean's Parish Sheriff's Office on Thanksgiving day for the Annual Sheriff's Thanksgiving Dinner. It stuck out to me that not everyone is lucky enough to have a family or a home to go to on Thanksgiving. It was special to help give others the chance to enjoy food, company, and good music. 

Volunteering with "Songs for Kids" at Children's Hospital has been really amazing. I have been getting more comfortable playing in front of the kids and now we all have been rocking out together. I brought a banana shaker the most recent time and it was a major it, though I quickly learned to let them know in advance that I would need it back. When I go door to door in the hospital, not everyone wants to hear music and those that do may or may not get excited about it. But, going in there and singing my heart out with the goal of spreading some fun and lightheartedness can be very rewarding. Some of the kids get so stoked and some want to take the lead on vocals or on the keyboard. All in all it feels like a welcome distraction from what a lot of these kids are having to face. I am thankful to have the opportunity to hang out with them and hopefully spread some positivity, if only briefly. Overall, November has been a significant and reflective month in this program. I can't believe the semester is almost over. I am thankful for this experience. 

Have a great day, 


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