January Service Hours: 10 Spring Semester Service Hours: 10 Cumulative 2018-2019 Service Hours: 38 After a long and rejuvenating break we are back at it, and I can honestly say I feel ready. Last semester I spent a lot of time trying to find my "flow" with school and life balance. Now I feel like I'm finally getting into a routine and am having an overall smoother experience. The courses we are taking this semester are very interesting. "Environmental Signaling" has especially stood out to me, as I am fascinated by the global connection between societal practices and health implications. I am curious to see how much lead turns up in the soil I measure around River Ridge. The Review Article on Lentiviral Vectors myself and several classmates are working on is starting to take shape, and I am excited to produce something which is hopefully useful to future researchers. As far as volunteering goes, I have continued playing music for ...
Showing posts from January, 2019